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Tuesday, May 16, 2006


Tom Toles, Washington Post.


Anonymous said...

LOL :)

autogato said...

I wonder if it could also be a metaphor for graduate life.

Ameet said...

It's a metaphor for many things.

When economists gloat about "productivity" improvements, we don't realize it comes at the expense of our quality of life. After all, humans are humans, and can't be "optimized" to produce like machines - it's unnatural - Orwelian.

autogato said...

Oh yes, economic improvement often comes at the expense of many things - education, divorce, etc. LIke when people got all excited on the news about the boost in new jobs after Hurricane Katrina. Yeah, I think we'd all skip a boost in construction jobs if we could have skipped that disaster.

Glad you posted it, It's thought provoking. And still feels like grad life sometimes!

Chic Mommy said...

it took me a while to figure this out. My brain must be really fried right now.

autogato said...

Hm. Sounds like chic mommy is taking comps, too.

Ameet said...

.. or raising 3 kids. Not sure which one is more taxing.

karmic said...


autogato said...

My vote goes for raising 3 kids as more taxing. At least comps ends. Kids don't for at least 18 years! ACK!

Wild Reeds said...

Awesome :-)

Anonymous said...

hey ameet... wats happening these days?
nice cartoon, and yes, i identify with ure dilemma on the Onslaught of the Short(ER) Sleeves! lol. post soon, dude.

Ameet said...

Yup. Been quiet lately. Photo class is taking up all my free time and creative juices. It ends this Saturday and I'll be posting again soon!

mikey said...

What can I say...we are all prostitutes to the world of capitalism.

Oh's like that!

Anonymous said...

I see there is a Left streak in this blogger who describes himself as "corporate whore".

Workers of the world unite. Down down capitalism.

Ameet said...

Sumit - I'm a BIG believer in free-market capitalism. Unfortunately what we have today is a mangled mess that's being manipulated every which way.

It's a little unsettling when a CEO makes a thousand times the average employee and drones on about productivity issues. I'm not willing to sacrifice my personal life and my health so he/she can make a few more millions.