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Thursday, March 09, 2006

March Monsoons

It rained. In Bombay. In March!!! Never happed before in my 21 years in this city. The intense aroma of raindrops hitting parched earth. The thunder. The clouds. The respite from the harsh sun. The chilled monsoon winds wafting in through the windows.

I haven't experienced a Mumbai Monsoon since 1997. This was a bonus!


jugni said...

ya its was a good change to have a trailor of rains in mumbai. really had fun .must say only in rains this city looks little lookable nd livable.

karmic said...

Rains in March are sure wierd. How long was your Bombay visit. It feels as if it was a short trip?
I heard it's already way to hot and humid there already? I am glad I don't live there any more, there are aspects of Bombay to love and some not, the weather is in the not category.
PS: I blogrolled ya!