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Saturday, August 19, 2006

Domestic Bliss

I'm loving the new condo. The colours are starting to work. I can feel the space speaking to me. Accent colours are starting to pop out of everyday objects. I'm loving the spaciousness. My last apartment (which cost about the same) felt like a shoebox in comparison. I'm loving the wide-open east views. I'm loving the wrap-around kitchen. I'm loving my new home office. I'm loving the little park downstairs. I'm never moving out of this place.


Manu said...

Yay!!!! :)

PNN said...

WOW. So Toronto is working for you I see :)

autogato said...

Rock on! You are inspiration - one day I will own my own place, too. Thank you for the reminder! It's easy to lose sight of the prize sometimes. I'm glad to know you're getting so much enjoyment out of it.

Ameet said...

manu: yayyy back to you!

pnn: I guess it is - the PLAN is finally coming together - but what's with that politician pic? Even Al Gore lets his hair down once in a while :P

autogato: isn't that what all our life's work ultimately about? Finding your own place to nest in. To decorate, love & cherish. A place that will give you heaps of happy memories.

sudeep said...

You sound like the McD ad - "I am loving it"!! But seriously, nice to see (in a manner of speaking) you settling in and feeling truly at home. I hope this is the start of a beautiful friendship between you and your new home :)

Wild Reeds said...

Yipeees! Can't wait to come and spend time. Seems like a lovely, calming place.